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Writer's picture: Johnny FrederickJohnny Frederick

swamiananda in meditation
Swamiananda Appreciates the Universe

Photo of swamiananda on Pixabay

Recently my daughter Robin sent me a short essay from a longer talk* by Abraham Hicks, entitled, “Do These Four Things Every Day.”

I really took it to heart.

The four things are:

· Meditate for 15 minutes.

· Go outside and appreciate everything you see.

· Buy a notebook to write, “My Positive Aspects.”

· Spend time looking upward and outward, acknowledging the Universal forces that are focused right on us, and calling them by name (if you have a name for He/She/It/Them).

*(The entire talk is in the link above)

The reason for these four daily practices is that we are, “training your vibration upwards.”

This exercise helps us recognize in a deep, meaningful way that the benevolent forces of the Universe are there, and that they are on our side.

It’s a “rampage of appreciation!” In both directions….

The Universe is appreciating me, and I am appreciating It.

I acknowledge that I am the object of your positive attention. And I’m appreciating your continual gaze on behalf of my wellbeing….I will be in conscious awareness that you too are there with me. Appreciating me; supporting me; assisting me; acknowledging me; inspiring me; guiding me; having fun with me….

In fact, we are that important. We are an integral part of the Universe. Without us it would not be the same Universe at all! And as such, we are integral to God’s plan.

This is not hubris. This is true modesty, humility. We have to acknowledge that we are here for a reason and that we have a part to play in the Grand Design (the title of a wonderful album by my friend, the humorist, songwriter, and motivational speaker, Greg Tamblyn).

In Prosperity Now! I write on page 22:

We are a vital part of an infinite universe—the Universal One, whole and complete!

Engineers who design machines and systems plan them carefully and include every necessary part to make the system or machine work as designed. They never add extraneous parts.

Machines or systems designed by people do not have any unnecessary, extra parts, and the Universe is much more than a machine. It is a sublime system designed by an all-knowing, all-good Creator. As such, every part is vital and necessary, or the machine will not work as it should.

The Universe needs every individual part to function and be whole and perfect. Since you are in the Universe, you are a necessary part.

Take a moment to breathe that in. If you are here—and you are—then you are vital to the proper functioning of the Kingdom of God.

So, Abraham emphasizes that, by appreciating our immense importance, our vital place in the Universe, we can begin to appreciate all that the Universe is doing for us, with us, and through us.

This cycle of appreciation moves and opens our mind, putting us in greater alignment with our good – and with the good that is pouring out on all of us, all of the time. A Niagara Falls of abundance, well-being, good, ease, peace and serenity, creative ideas, joy, adventure, love, happiness, energy, and more is ours for the asking.

What we need to strengthen, and grow is the realization that God’s infinite good is there for us, in good measure, shaken, pressed down, running over. (Luke 6:38)

The “catch” in that verse is the first part of the formula:

Give and it will be given unto you….

We give our appreciation.

We have to give our appreciation – not because God needs our praise – but because in the very act of appreciation we are opening up our mind, our consciousness to the availability of these good things for us.

We give our appreciation, or generosity, or praise, or love, or whatever good thing we express, and we receive it back – and more!

In the world’s financial terms, we invest money, and the money appreciates. It grows.

And when we invest in our spiritual development, we are guaranteed to reap a bountiful harvest of good.

in Lesson 3:

THE STORY of tithing both ancient and modern declares it to be the best investment we can make. It does more good than the most generous giving that is done only on the impulse of the moment. (emphasis added)

That is a shocking statement even today. He is saying that this act of tithing is a better investment than anything we can do with our money.

The best investment we can make! The act of tithing is an investment in our appreciation of all the good we have, all the good that has come in the past, and all the good that is in store for us, that we know is ours, the moment we are ready to receive it.

In mental and emotional terms, when we grow to appreciate something or someone, we gain a greater understanding. We realize or perceive a new idea or insight into something or someone.

Notice words like grow or gain. Our money grows. Our knowledge grows. We gain wisdom or experience.

Spiritually, what we appreciate, appreciates.

It takes mindfulness and practice, especially if we are of the maudlin or depressive types, that is always used to seeing the glass half empty, always dreading, always projecting what could go wrong.

I have a go-to saying I like:

Pollyanna was right!

Many people think they know Pollyanna, but the true message of her story has been lost, with people using it derisively, saying, “Oh, don’t be a Pollyanna.”

By that they mean, don’t be a foolish, silly unserious person who doesn’t see the reality, the harsh awfulness of the world.

“Be realistic,” is what they mean.

But Pollyanna is right! Her sunny, optimistic outlook brings a powerful healing energy to the sad, angry, stern, and cold people in her life.

Pollyanna's plays a game she learned from her father, before she was orphaned, which she calls "The Glad Game." The game consists of finding something to be glad about in every situation, no matter how bleak it may be.

One Christmas, Pollyanna, who hoped for a doll found instead a pair of crutches. Pollyanna's father taught her to look at the good side of things—in this case, to be glad about the crutches because she did not need them!

Far from being an unrealistic, silly way of living, Pollyanna transforms everyone around her by her consistent appreciation of everything that comes her way, despite appearances.

And anyone who has read my blog posts or who is a Prosperity Now! student knows that one of my favorite mantras is:

Don’t try to set it right. See it right!

And one of my favorite quotes is:

Don’t judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.

– John 7:24

In the AA Big Book, one of the stories has this same idea:

It’s as though A.A. had given me a new pair of glasses… It was as if I had… a magnifying mind that magnified whatever it focused on.

When I focus on what’s good today, I have a good day, and when I focus on what’s bad, I have a bad day. If I focus on a problem, the problem increases; if I focus on the answer, the answer increases.

(Acceptance was the Answer, page 407)

Our minds are truly powerful creative engines, bringing into manifestation whatever it is we focus on, with belief, faith, intention and feeling.

Focus on the problem, the problem looms large.

Focus on the solution, on the good, on the amazing beauty all around, and that is what we will see more and more of.

So, lets the clouds fall from our eyes.

Let's lift the veil. Let us brighten the light, brighter and brighter until all we see is the good. All we see is the solution.

I appreciate you, my dear readers. Please like, comment, and share with your family and friends. Let me know what is good in your life, what you appreciate….

Happy Sunday,


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IG: @parishistorymystery

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I am available to do Prosperity Now! individual or group sessions or general life-coaching, I Ching readings, dream interpretation or join us for our weekly Wednesday Course in Miracles group. Please contact me at or sign up on my website:


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