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Writer's picture: Johnny FrederickJohnny Frederick

A wooden walking bridge high over a flowing waterfall
Flowing is the Way of Life


Tao Te Ching – Poem 76


[People] are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard.

Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry.


Thus, whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death.

Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life.


The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail.


(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)



All life is one of constant movement, continuous change. The Tao (The Way) is a path. It can be described by using the same idea that Abraham Hicks calls the path of least resistance.


Or, in the words of Eric Butterworth, the more we are In the Flow of Life, we have more ease, fun, and joy. Our lives become simple, peaceful, abundant, and vibrant. We experience, for the most part, an enlivening, exciting, prosperous adventure in all aspects of life.


In contrast, the more someone is stiff, stagnant, and afraid. The more they are closed-minded, resistant, angry, and fearful. The more they need to be strident, powerful, ego-driven, and forceful. These are generally joyless and grim people who are dead certain.


For these people, life becomes harder and more difficult, because life seems hard and difficult.



I write:


You probably learned about the water cycle in school. It is helpful to think of our lives and our prosperity as using a similar model. Water evaporates into the atmosphere where it concentrates as clouds. Then it falls back down as rain or snow, feeding the ground, nourishing plants, animals, people, and all life.


A river flows to the sea where the water evaporates. It rains at the headwaters of the river; the process starts all over again. There is an abundance of water on the planet; fresh water is consistently and reliably replenished.


But suppose the water cycle breaks down. Suppose a river gets silted up, so clogged with mud and debris it slows until it is finally choked off altogether…. The outflow of water is a crucial part of the water cycle….


A buildup of water without release results in a stagnant and lifeless situation. A dead sea. This same phenomenon holds true for everything in life and consciousness.


(Frederick, John. Prosperity Now!: A 12-Week Journey to the Life of Your Dreams

(p. 87). Kindle Edition.)


When the water cycle is free-flowing there is more than enough life-giving water to nourish everyone and everything.


When there is resistance in the water cycle, things cease to work, abundance dries up, and life is stagnant – or worse, it dies!


We need to get ourselves into the flow, get out of resistance, and let the law do its work. Simple and easy? Yes!


But people think (a problem by itself), and make things complicated. They have ideas and beliefs that keep the law from working for them.


But you can’t make the law work! You have to let the law work.


From The Law of Circulation, by Patrick Cameron: 


In the minds of many students, it’s a matter of making Divine law work. But the truth is you can’t make law work. Law is an inexorable process. You are always in the working milieu of law as, for example, you are always under the influence of gravity. One is foolish to say, “I am going to make a demonstration of gravity.” The fact is that gravity is a constant.

Aligning, rather than manipulating, spiritual law is our true opportunity toward the expansion of our horizons.

(emphasis added)


When you don’t let the Law of Circulation operate, when you block and resist it, you are left to your own devices.


The way of struggle is a difficult path. Our natural impulse then is to fight and make things happen, rather than let things happen.


While the Way of Flow is easy and delightful.


So how do you align with the Law of Circulation, stay in the flow of the law, trusting that it works?


What works for me?


Tithing! A simple powerful idea that knocks down resistance, clears away obstacles, and breaks down the stiff and dead beliefs of the world.

It is a fallacy to believe that we will give more when we have more, because in that frame of mind, we never have enough. We are asked to give at the ten percent level, because it constantly keeps us on the edge. No matter our income, when we give at that level, we are demonstrating faith that God is our Source.  --Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey


Tithing works because the world says it can’t work, and the way of the world is struggle and fight.


Tithing lets us tap into an infinite Source of Good, one that moves beyond the world, yet one which ceaselessly drives the world. It is there, all of the time, but until we align with it, it will not work for us.


Tithing changes our perspective, our consciousness.

Tithing is a positive affirmation of sufficiency.

Tithing demonstrates to the Universe (and to our human mind) that we know we are loved, safe and protected.

Tithing puts our minds in proper order, putting our Spiritual life in its proper place, first and foremost.

Tithing puts the horse before the cart. Tithing puts the Christ on top of the donkey, heading into the City of Peace.

Tithing helps me to see it right.

Tithing demonstrates (to my human mind) fearlessness, trust, and faith.


The miracle of flow is that, once we’re in it, we never want to leave it! There is magic and power, ease and freedom in it.


I tithe in joy, because tithing increases joy!


I couldn’t not tithe. I would no more stop tithing for financial health and well-being than I would notbrush my teeth for good oral health.


I give in love because I love to give!


People often think that they give to charity, or they volunteer their time and that is enough. While those things are amazing, and I do them too, they are not the same thing as tithing.


While they are very good things to do, things which help other people and ourselves, those things do not open us up to the flow of abundance -- not in the way that tithing does.


Tithing is a specific, mindful and intentional investment in the places where we get our spiritual nourishment. It operates on a highly elevated plane of consciousness that, once tapped into, opens a floodgate of good that is unstoppable –


If we stay in the miracle of flow – in the flow of life.


Write or comment to discuss your thoughts on tithing...

Happy tithing,




I am available to do private tours of Paris, based on my book, Paris Histories and Mysteries.

You can get life-guidance using my book, Prosperity Now! A 12-Week Journey to the Life of Your Dreams.

I also do general life-coaching for individuals or in small groups.

I do amazing I Ching readings and dream interpretations.

To work with me on A Course in Miracles one-on-one or in small group, write to me at

My EP Paris Cowboy is available on Apple iTunes, Spotify, Napster, and many other music streaming apps — or contact me to order autographed books or an autographed CD.


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