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Blog Post


Writer's picture: Johnny FrederickJohnny Frederick

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

“Prosperity Is” — Today continues our multi-part series on the true meaning of the word, “Prosperity.”

In Monet gardens at Giverny (2017)

What is the most valuable thing in your life?

Perhaps your mind goes to a list of material possessions: house, car, boat, art, bank account, investments, antiques. Perhaps your mind bypasses material objects and goes to people: spouse, partner, children, parents. Perhaps you immediately think: health, friends, job, time off.

Etc. When asked that question, most people will hear the word “valuable” and naturally pull from the lists above. But I propose that there is one thing we need above all else. Having this, all the others become more valuable. Lacking this, all the others cannot be enjoyed.

The one thing we need above all others is peace of mind. Serenity.

If I am serene, I enjoy all the pleasure and riches, all the gifts and experiences, all the people and circumstances that the world has to offer.

If I am not serene. If I am afraid, troubled, or otherwise unable to relax, if I lack a calm, quiet spirit, then I could have all the joys and riches in life, but none of them will make me happy or bring me peace.

Lack of serenity is so pervasive, the thesaurus has dozens of synonyms for it, including:

nervous, in a state of nerves, edgy, on edge, tense, overwrought, worked up, keyed up, strung out, jumpy, afraid, worried sick, with one's stomach in knots, with one's heart in one's mouth, on pins and needles, stressed, under stress, in suspense, flurried; uptight, a bundle of nerves, on tenterhooks, with butterflies in one's stomach, like a cat on a hot tin roof, jittery, twitchy, in a state, in a stew, all of a dither, in a flap, in a sweat, in a tizz/tizzy, all of a lather, het up, in a twitter....

And that is just a sampling! Obviously, the world knows a lot about being anxious, and much less about being serene.

True prosperity then starts inside, with an even, calm, peaceful and placid attitude. More than an attitude! A way of seeing the world that says, “I am okay. You are okay. Things are okay. Or they will be soon!”

Ha! Easy to say.....

Have you read the headlines? Have you seen the pile of bills? Have you met my child, spouse, father-in-law, boss, parent, or the traffic cop that pulled me over? Have you seen my medical test results?

Yes, I know. Life happens. On this physical plane, there will be troubles. No way around it. The key (as Prosperity Now! emphasizes again and again) is not to try to set things right....

But to see it right!

This means to look past appearances and see things with spiritual eyes. The way to serenity starts when we detach from the world’s way of thinking and “lift up our eyes” to a higher reality, one that “overcomes the world.”

Yes, easier said than done, but it gets easier with practice and more importantly, it works!

Someone once said,

Serenity is not the absence of a storm. It is calm in the middle of the storm.

As I write in Prosperity Now!

It’s All for You!

Romans 8:28 says: “Everything works together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.”

The key word there is everything. All things work in our favor, and for the good of all concerned, when we see it right! In some Neo-Pagan and Wiccan practices, the proper way to end a prayer is to say:

For the Good of All, according to the free will of all, and so it must be.

This phrase allows us to pray for someone, or for some outcome, while considering we know but a little. Spirit knows what is best for all concerned. Only Spirit can bring everything into alignment for the good of all concerned.

The key to serenity then is putting our attention on the higher energies at work in the Universe: Love and Faith, trusting in the all-Goodness of God that things are all in Divine Order, according to a higher plan.

One affirmation that I use all the time, is:

Things always work out well for me, because God is with me in every situation.

It is an unequivocal affirmation of the Truth as I see and understand it. When a situation, person, place or thing is going against what I think is right, the way I think things should be, I have a 2-step process to quiet my spirit and move my eyes from a lower to a higher order of thinking.

First, I pause and check in. In every instance, I find that it is my ego that is disturbed, that wants to control the situation person, place or thing. My ego has an agenda and it is NOT peace and serenity, but rather to be right!

Second, I say my affirmation and my focus shifts, away from the way it “ought” to be — to acceptance of the moment, just as it is.

From that place of acceptance, I can notice a gap, I can get a space — in between the situation and my reaction.

This tiny opening is where I can think a new thought! I am open to a new idea, a God-idea, a fresh new idea that doesn’t come from John-mind (aka ego).

Two other thoughts about this process.

1) The correct use of the word “Repent.” Repent is not something to shout at ”sinners” to shame them. It is a word that means simply to “think again.” Think another thought, a truer thought.

In French the word repenser means to rethink. We can change our minds at any time and think a fresh idea, an idea with joy and love and power in it, instead of the same old thoughts that lead us down to the same old circular ruminating.

The Tao te Ching says, True freedom is freedom from your own thinking. If you are not calm and serene, don’t look to the world to change. Instead, go inside and change your mind. Repent!

2) Then I practice what Rob Brezsny calls, Pronoia. I have blogged about this before. Pronoia (pro-noy-ya) is a simple but profound shift in thinking.

Instead of thinking in a paranoid way (the world sucks; the world is dangerous; people are not to be trusted; life is hard; they’re out to cheat me; etc.) think pronoically!

  • Everyone and everything is on my side.

  • They are all out to help me.

  • They are here to make my life easy and smooth.

  • They are bringing me valuable gifts to help me grow, to help me wake up spiritually.

  • I am so blessed.

  • All things are working in my favor, all of the time!

  • Things always work out well for me because God is with me in every situation.

In other words: The Universe is conspiring in my favor — all of the time!

Think pronoically. Repent! See it right. Change your mind. Look past appearances....

Then serenity will be yours, in all situations because you will know that you and all those you love are safe and protected.

You then will have the most valuable thing in Heaven and on Earth: Peace of Mind.

And all is well.....

Love and Blessings,



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