“Prosperity Is” Today continues our multi-part series on the true meaning of the word “Prosperity.”
Suppose you won a million dollars.
Close your eyes and imagine that happening.
How would you feel? Think about it. Lean into it. Explore it.
How would you feel, hearing the news that you just received $1,000,000.00?
I know how I would feel. If you’re like me, you would be giddy. A nearly endless cascade of possibilities and ideas would flood my mind. I would think about my loved ones and what I could do to help them. I would think about investments, a house, perhaps a car, perhaps gifts and tithes that I could give.
Feelings would include happiness, joy, excitement, energy, intense pleasure, anticipation, gratitude and more positive emotions. I would feel safe and protected, now free from financial worries. I would feel a sense of freedom. I would be filled with wonder and awe. All from the news that a financial windfall had come my way.
What does this exercise in imagining a lottery windfall have to do with perfect health?
It is not about the money, but using money as a vehicle is an easy way to illustrate the feelings that are at the core of all our life’s experiences. It demonstrates a phenomenon that, once aware of it, we can recognize and shift our perceptions — to see it right — and so shift our lives and our experiences of life.
You see, almost everyone thinks 180 degrees opposite of the way spiritual reality works. They think they have to have perfect health, in order to feel the ease and joy that comes from perfect health. Just like they think they need to have the million dollars to feel the rush of emotions that would come with the news that such a sum is on its way.
Spiritually, to manifest our highest good, we need to shift our beliefs, our thinking, our vision 180° away from this attitude and toward a new way of seeing things.
We have to “act as if.”
We have to raise our vibration, our energy level, our belief level so that we are in a higher energy level of feeling — as if we already have the million dollars!
As if we already are in perfect health!
As I say in Prosperity Now!
The world says we must first have more. Instead, we can do more; then we will be more. What the world believes is 180 degrees away from the truth in Spirit.
Truth: First be more; then you can do more, and then you can have more!
Real joy, happiness, and success lie in strengthening our spiritual, mental, emotional, and psychological faculties so we are more at ease and at peace, more aligned with the creative power of the Universe, which always works with us for our highest and best good.
“Seeing it right” means looking past appearances.
“Seeing it right” means acting as if.
“Seeing it eight” means consciously raising our vibration to the place where we want to be, and then the Universe will respond to our new, higher energy level.
Don’t wait until you have a million dollars to feel the joy and excitement, the possibilities and the gratitude!
Feel that high energy level and you will draw the concurrent new, higher physical reality to you!
Do not wait for perfect health to feel safe and free from pain and illness. Speak “Words of Life” to every cell in your body. Raise the spiritual vibration to each molecule, each strand of DNA, each cell and organ of your physical body. Shower your entire being with love and acceptance, forgiveness and encouragement.
Abraham Hicks once said:
”Never mind what is. Imagine it the way you want it to be, so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match… Every time.”
(Emphasis mine)
This is the way to perfect health. If we wait until all is in order, the world of chaos will never materialize perfect order. It is up to us to generate a mindful, purposeful, loving and coherent energy in our minds, in our hearts, in our beliefs and in our psychic space. Once we begin to do this, more consistently and more clearly, the Universe will move to match our new vision.
Abraham Hicks also said, relating to health, healing and wholeness:
“Diseases follow thought lines, not blood lines.”
In Prosperity Now! I quote from Myrtle Fillmore’s book, “Healing Letters.” In one of her letters she writes:
“We have a very decided part; we are to cease worrying, and being anxious, and thinking and speaking of the past and of the apparent lack and idleness. We are to concentrate all our attention upon the Truth of God, and the truth of our own being, upon the very things we would see taking place in our life. We cannot do this so long as we have negative thoughts in our heart.
As we pray, the word of life is going down into us, breaking up old fixed beliefs and reorganizing our life. The word of life—life as God has planned it—is taking hold of our subconsciousness, and we know that we are free and will begin to use our freedom. Working in the consciousness of freedom, we will be happy and well and busy and prosperous. But our attention will be upon what we are doing rather than upon outer results. The results will take care of themselves once we have started our foundation in Truth.
“With God all things are possible. Those who receive spiritual help are the ones who place their undivided faith in God and who bring their thinking in line with His Truth. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
(Myrtle Fillmore, “Our Part in Prayer” in Healing Letters, p. 33-35)
Raise your vibration, despite appearances, and watch as your world shifts to meet the new beliefs, the new ideas, the new energy that is the new you!
The way to perfect health is not to wait until everything is perfect. The way to perfect health is to see, feel, believe, know, speak, and act as if all is well, and lo and behold!
Please contact me if you have thoughts or questions. I discuss some of my healing challenges in the book, Prosperity Now! and am happy to talk to and work with anyone who is suffering with a physical ailment. As people who have worked with me know, I do not charge for my time so money should not be an obstacle.
Love and Blessings,