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Writer's picture: Johnny FrederickJohnny Frederick

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Prosperity Is” — Today continues our multi-part series on the true meaning of the word, “Prosperity.”

The word affluence means to flow in abundance

— Deepak Chopra

Almost everything in the physical world has a mirror-image basis in the Spiritual Universe. The Law of Circulation, seen clearly in the physical world in the Water Cycle or by our body’s cardio-pulmonary “circulation system” of breathing — of inspiration and exhalation — has its spiritual counterpart:

The Law of Giving and Receiving.

When something is “a law” we are saying this is a principle that cannot be violated. It is operating on us, in us, through us, with us and for us, all the time, everywhere present. Some hold (I think rightly) that God is not a being at all. God is the principle of Love, a law, a process.

God is not a being who is loving. God IS THE LOVE.

Within this highest of principles, there are others that lead us toward our highest good. These principles, when understood rightly, can be harnessed, can be used, can be consciously brought to bear on our lives, on our circumstances. And best of all, they work!

In the physical world, for example, we have the Law of Gravity. Now, you can believe in the law or not…. Your choice. But the law doesn’t care what you believe. It works on Earth everywhere, all of the time. It is strongly suggested that, if you’re going to jump out of an airplane, you use a parachute, but that’s your choice!

Using the Law of Gravity we get many fine benefits… as long as we don’t try to ignore the law. When we do, we’re liable to get hurt.

But some wise people discovered that there are higher laws, that when understood and used rightly, can supersede the Law of Gravity. They discovered that heat makes things lighter than air and those things can rise up, defying the Law of Gravity.

Then some others discovered that airflow and air pressure can be harnessed to make heavy objects lift up, defying the Law of Gravity. Understanding and applying the Laws of Aerodynamics superseded the Law of Gravity, because it is a higher law!

In this world, most people who think “practically” apply and use a belief in scarcity. Scarcity says, “There is not enough for me, so I better get what I can and hang onto it as tightly as I can.” Love, money, sex, good feelings, toys, work, time, food, etc. are all in short supply, according to this way of thinking.

Hoarding, greed, avarice, fear, lack, limitation, cheating, lying, stealing, grasping and more are the hallmarks of this life-strategy. The world seems to agree.

  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

  • Ya’ gotta look out for number one

  • Money talks and BS walks

  • Work harder or you’ll never get ahead

  • Keeping up with the Jones’s

  • Ya’ gotta beat them before they beat you

You all know these “truths” by which most people live. However, there is a higher law that supersedes these laws of “not enough.”

The Law of Giving and Receiving!

This law is a spiritual truth that says the opposite of the world’s laws:

  • As you give, so shall you receive

  • Ask and you shall receive

  • Giving and receiving are one in truth

  • It is more blessed to give than to receive

  • Give and it shall be given to you, in good measure, so much that you will not have room enough to receive it

Living by the Law of Giving and Receiving is a powerful way to manifest Prosperity Now! and live the life of your dreams…. If you have a small amount of willingness to try it. Life will never be the same!

Life will be brighter, fuller, richer, deeper, more meaningful. Love, happiness, adventure, fulfillment and more are assured!

The Law of Giving and Receiving is simple, and in truth much easier than the world’s way of living, but you cannot know this until you experience it for yourself.

What this law says is that by giving mindfully — in spiritual awareness of the unlimited Source that is all around us — we tap into that Source and so more will flow back to us, much more than we give. Always.

Giving becomes and exercise in trust, love and faith.

We give, knowing we are blessed.

We bless others, knowing we are both giver and receiver.

We receive in gratitude and love, knowing we are going to turn right around and share a portion of our blessings, again.

In this way, the Law of Circulation comes into and begins operating in our lives, and the spiritual energy we are giving and receiving increases and multiplies

In Prosperity Now! I write:

The Law of Giving and Receiving

“In all things, remember….‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

— Acts 20:35

At some point, a child’s training can dampen their natural spirit of generosity. You may have seen an older child (and many adults) who would rather get a gift than give away one of their toys. Often in spiritual matters, what seems to be true is 180 degrees away from what is really true in Spirit.

Vision depends upon today’s idea. The light is in it, for it reconciles all seeming opposites.... And now you are at peace forever, for the dream is over then.

True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body’s eyes behold. It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived at all.... This is the light that shows no opposites, and vision, being healed, has power to heal.

Knowing this, your peace of mind is unshakable! You will realize and demonstrate that there is no opposition in Spirit. You cannot lose anything of value because you are the giver and the receiver.

We are a part of this Uni-verse. As such, in truth we are all one. Giving in Spirit, we give to ourselves. Receiving, we receive that which we already possess—difficult concepts for the human mind to grasp, difficult for the body’s eyes to see. But our souls recognize the light, the energy in this idea.


Any artist knows this truth when they give their gift to the public. After a performance or an exhibition, they may be exhausted physically. But emotionally, creatively, and spiritually, they will say they feel more energy, more wellbeing, more enthusiasm, not less.

Anyone in twelve-step recovery knows this concept well: We can only keep what we have by giving it away. In the physical world, giving means losing. I have less; you have more. But in Spirit, what we give away strengthens both giver and receiver.

Because no matter what, what we give is, at its core, an idea. Ideas always increase and are strengthened when shared.

Once given and received, two people have the idea; two people believe the idea. They begin to live the idea and it grows, becoming more powerful as more people believe it and use it in their lives.

Money seems to be bits of paper and metal, or electronic numbers on a screen, but in truth, money is an idea. Money is a concept so powerful we all believe it. We use it. Most of us don’t question its reality or its origin. Money is such a common concept that we mostly accept it without question.

Seen in the light of truth, we can now easily understand that the Law of Circulation, of giving and receiving, is powerful. Using it is the way to prosperity.


When we see everything on a spiritual basis — seeing everything as it really is in truth — we see that everything is at heart an idea. Money is an idea. A smile is an idea. A chair is an idea. A charity is an idea. Nothing that exists in manifestation but first existed as an idea.

Knowing this truth, we can then can grasp the Law of Giving and Receiving in its full beauty and power:

I give you an idea and it is strengthened in us both. We can then give out from our increase, to keep the idea and to share it more and more and more!

The Law of Giving and Receiving means that — when done rightly, mindfully and with intent — that the more you give, the more you will have, in full measure so much that there will not be room enough to receive it.

Try it!

I am always available to help anyone with these concepts. Please contact me if you have thoughts or questions. I discuss some of my prosperity successes in the book, Prosperity Now! and am happy to talk to and work with anyone who is challenged by lack and limitations in their lives. As people who have worked with me know, I do not charge for my time so money should not be an obstacle.

Love and Blessings,


1 Comment

Jun 27, 2021

ACIM: "Every thing of true value, increases as it is given away".

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