God's Big Check for me. 3rd in a series. Image by the author
What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens,
all events, past, present and to come,
are gently planned by One
Whose only purpose is your good?
Our weekly Sunday Prosperity Now! group has taken the summer off. We are a stalwart and serious group of prosperity and abundance students. We are miraculous manifestors of our good.
I’ve watched us grow and expand our consciousness, bringing more and more good into our lives. We continue to open our minds to the “fruits of the spirit” those things that God is more than ready and willing to provide us.
What are these gifts? Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance."Galatians 5 KJV
And all we have to do is to be willing to let go of our old ideas of lack and limitation. As we become willing to lose our old ideas, we begin to re-fill our minds with the Truth. Practicing living in the Truth, we begin to fulfill our true purpose on this Earth:
To live in joy and demonstrate to others the goodness of the Universe. It is our destiny to receive and to give out of the Infinite Abundance that is ours to enjoy.
So, the group gave itself a summer challenge: manifest $10,000!
All year, we’ve been using the Law of Attraction to manifest fun things: yellow birds, pink Cadillacs, red roses, etc. The group thought it was time to shift our consciousness to something challenging.
Why is $10,000 more challenging than manifesting a green frog? Because we have little if any resistance to small, cute things. With our mental resistance at or near zero, we easily can attract our heart’s desire.
But when we start talking about the “big” things and situations – money?!? Success?? Fame? A house? Freedom from 40-hour-a-week drudgery? Healing cancer?
Then we go all floppy and panicky. All our old (and very unconscious) ideas rear up and begin kicking us in the head:
I’m not worthy.
That’s too much.
It’s impossible.
How can it happen?
When will it happen?
I can’t because….
My mother (father, aunt, cousin, teacher, minister) said….
I can’t imagine….
All these old tapes.
All these old, tired, stale, and untrue beliefs.
In Prosperity Now! I quote Julia Cameron in her popular book, “The Artist’s Way.” In Week 5, she talks about an unlimited God. God as an unlimited bank account that we can draw on and draw on and Who is never exhausted.
But we most often cheapen and diminish God by our feelings of unworthiness and small thinking.
She says:
We come to recognize that God is unlimited in supply and that everyone has equal access…. One reason we are miserly with ourselves is scarcity thinking…. We are limiting our flow by anthropomorphizing God into a capricious parent figure. Remembering that God is our source, an energy flow that likes to extend itself, we become more able to tap our creative power effectively.
Or put another way:
“It is God’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
A Course in Miracles tells us many Truths that fly directly in the face of the world’s thinking. One such idea contradicts the old belief that we lose something when we give it away. Our human eyes see the absence where the thing used to be.
But our spiritual eyes – our eyes of faith – see the things we have gained as the result of our generosity. Seeing this way takes active participation and a suspension of disbelief so that a new idea, a new vision can take form.
Seeing that we have an unlimited Source, we can give from that Source, and like It, our resources will never be exhausted.
Even after all this time The Sun never says to the Earth "You owe me" Look what happens with a love like that It lights up the whole sky.
To give and to receive are the same thing. In other words, we cannot lose!
When we know that giving and receiving are exactly the same thing, our minds lose all fear, all thoughts of loss. This Lesson (108) tells us:
To learn that giving and receiving are the same has special usefulness, because it can be tried so easily and seen as true. And when this special case has proved it always works, in every circumstance where it is tried, the thought behind it can be generalized to other areas of doubt and double vision.
This is the end of struggle and the beginning of ease and freedom, losing fear of scarcity and the beginning of abundance.
When I can understand, and begin to practice, the idea that giving and receiving are the same thing, I open myself up to the possibility that I am safe and protected in all circumstances.
If it is true that the Universe is abundant, and on my side; if I can really feel safe and secure, knowing that I have an unlimited Source of good on which I can draw, then I can begin to relax and enjoy!
So, our Prosperity Now! group is relaxing, taking the summer off, yet at the same time, broadening and deepening our faith, our trust, our understanding – and stretching our belief in God’s unlimited goodness.
Why $10,000? Because it’s believable, while at the same time being just beyond our comfort zone, without being all the way out to the edges of the panic zone. I've created 3 mock checks for myself: one for $10,000, one for $100,000 and one for 1.1 million euros! God is good!!
What's the deal with using money for spiritual growth anyway? Because as we noted at the beginning, the baggage – the old ideas – associated with “filthy lucre” (Titus 1:11) have that negative energy attached to it that we need to crush if we are ever going to live into these Truth thoughts:
I’m not worthy I am very worthy
That’s too much It is sufficient and more
It’s impossible It’s very possible
How can it happen? God can do anything
When will it happen? I am ready to receive my good
I can’t because…. I can do anything
My mother (father, aunt,
cousin, teacher, minister) said…. I believe new thoughts
I can’t imagine…. I can dream, believe and achieve!
In Prosperity Now! we use money as a vehicle to change our minds, change our thinking and change our life and our circumstances. On page 43, we are reminded:
Remember: This course is not about how to make more money. It is about expanding and opening our minds—moving from small, meager thinking to vast, enlivening, and abundant thinking.
Frederick, John. Prosperity Now!: A 12-Week Journey to the Life of Your Dreams (p. 60). Kindle Edition.
You too can use the spiritual energy we call money to break up your old tired thinking and replace it with new, vibrant, alive thoughts of the fullness of life -- in all it’s many wonderful appearances.
Take the summer challenge! Give yourself a goal, and a date by which to manifest it, and see if, "God won't pour out a blessing so great, you won't have room to receive it."
Put God to the test!
Happy Sunday,
I am available to do Prosperity Now! individual or group sessions or general life-coaching, I Ching readings, dream interpretation or join us for our weekly Wednesday Course in Miracles group. Please contact me at prosperitynowlifeofdreams@yahoo.com or sign up on my website: http://www.johnafrederick.com