Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Fear, anger, anxiety, worry, dread, distress….
These thieves rob us of our serenity; disrupt our sleep; steal our energy, tell us lies and whisper that all is not well and will not be well.
· All is lost, (or soon will be).
· There’s no use, so why bother?
· What if this happens?
· Or that happens?”
· What if I fail?
· What if the money runs out?
· What if….
I call these thoughts the “thief-beliefs.” And thief-beliefs are not just about money. They can rule every aspect of our lives.
People believe things that are not true – and then appearances will arise, confirming our beliefs:
· I don’t have enough time.
· I have to go it alone.
· I don’t want to bother people.
· I am a “low-energy” person.
· I’m unlucky.
· I’ve never been very healthy.
· I’m never going to get ahead.
The world has many sayings to confirm our fear-based beliefs in lack and limitation:
· The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
· Money is the root of all evil. (A mis-quote from 1 Timothy 6:10, which says, “Love of money is the root of all evil.”)
· Life sucks and then you die.
· You have to grab all you can, when you can.
· Smile! Tomorrow will be worse.
My mother used to say, “If a poor man and a rich man rub elbows, the only thing the poor man gets is a hole in his sleeve.”
People have “stories” that run like malware programming active deep in their subconscious, telling them “facts.” They assume without evidence things that are based on poor, outdated or incomplete information.
Many people live unconsciously by Murphy’s Law, “If something can go wrong, it will.”
And then there’s Slim’s Rule for the poker (or the boardroom) table:
Look around the table; if you don’t see a sucker, get up, because you’re the sucker.
Murphy’s Law gets baked into our subconsciousness because when things seem to “go wrong” we double down, asking, “What will go wrong next?”
In reality, things haven’t “gone wrong” – not when we learn how to see it right.
When things take a turn we didn’t expect, ask the Universe to show us how to see it right. This is how problems become opportunities and setbacks become signs to go in a different direction. It’s how stumbling blocks become steppingstones, lifting us up and out of our crappy circumstances and onto a higher plane – of consciousness.
We must stop blocking our good by stubbornly clinging to cherished beliefs (my mom, teacher, priest, best friend told me) and begin examining why we think that way, being open-minded to exploring contrary ideas.
As John Durham said, “Creeds die hard, and rituals die slowly.”
In Prosperity Now!, we spend 12 weeks, or a lifetime, working to dismantle these “thief-beliefs.” We can use our Prosperity Now! Action Items to chip away (or blast away) old, tired, worn-out, useless and ineffective ways of thinking and replace them.
We must smash these old beliefs if we are ever going to live new lives, free of fear, anxiety, worry based in a consciousness of poverty.
New wine in new wineskins, as it says in Matthew 9:16-17.
The meaning of this verse is simple: You can’t graft new ideas onto an old consciousness. You can’t have a new, positive, affirmative, prosperous life, while still operating with old thoughts of lack and limitation, greed and stinginess.
New wineskins (a new consciousness) can stretch to accommodate the expanded volume of the new wine (new ideas). But old wineskins are unable to stretch. Therefore, they rupture, and the new wine is spilled.
In Prosperity Now! I re-tell the story of “The Widow’s Mite” from the Book of Mark 12:41-44.
And Jesus sat over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.
This story is also simple: a consciousness of abundance means giving in ways that are intentional, meaningful, purposeful, and powerful. The rich give much but hoard much more out of their “thief-beliefs” of fear, poverty, lack of faith and belief in lack generally.
The widow, “poor” as she is, gives out of her faith and trust, her belief that, all is well and all will be well. She is rich in an ease of living which the rich will never have. They will always be anxious and afraid, until they can “sell all you have and follow me.” (Matthew 19:21)
She tithes and as a result has untold riches. The “rich” pile up riches and are “poor in spirit” and in many other aspects of life.
How often have I squeezed and hoarded my 2 pennies, only to later realize that I lost an untold fortune in love, friendship, ease of living, serenity, peace of mind, joy and abundance in all areas of my life?
If I want to think (and live and breathe and move) in new ways, ways of ease and comfort, joy and abundance, I must first act in new ways, to engender, to stimulate new thinking.
When the old person, the old consciousness, the old ideas have passed away, it is because we used spiritual tools, like courage, faith, humility, honesty, tithing, zeal, and generosity to create a new way of thinking – and of being!
Live in your abundance. Act out of your abundance. Believe in your abundance, despite appearances, and watch your “thief-beliefs” melt away and be replaced by a never-ending supply of good.
Bon dimanche (Good Sunday)
I am available to do I Ching readings, dream interpretation, Prosperity Now! Individual or group sessions or general life-coaching.
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