#32 Duration (Constancy)

arousing thunder
gentle wind

#40 Deliverance
arousing thunder
abysmal water
These last few weeks we have been exploring the Tao Te Ching and the I Ching, two systems of spiritual development that I have loved and have used for many years. They are powerful (and effective) ways of understanding the Universe in which we live, work, play and love.
For this blog post, I thought I would throw the coins of the I Ching to come up with a weekly reading that will help you understand where the Tao is flowing – or not flowing – in our lives today and this week.
The imagery and language of the I Ching can take a lifetime to truly understand and incorporate into our psyches. Coming into use in the centuries before Confucius, he is reported to have said that, if he had another lifetime to live, he would spend it studying the I Ching!
Over time the beauty and sublime wisdom inherent in the I Ching can serve to help us develop our character, deal with adversity, stay humble amid success and grow in patience, discernment, serenity, joy and live effective, purposeful lives.
The hexagrams (6-line images above) are made up of two trigrams (3-line images).
First, there is a main/principle hexagram to study. Then, because one of the lines (the 3rd line marked by an x) has “moved” from Yang (solid, masculine) to Yin (broken, feminine) that line has some commentary to look at.
Finally, the moving line creates a secondary hexagram, which gives us further information. The secondary hexagram often provides the solution to the question we have posed.
In the reading for this week, the main hexagram is Number 32 (out of 64 possible combinations). Its name is “Duration” or Constancy. With line #3 changing, the new hexagram that is formed by is Number 40, called “Deliverance”.
In both, we find the trigram for thunder (called “The Arousing”) above.
In the lower trigram, below in #32 Duration is the trigram for wind or wood (called “The Gentle” or "The Gently Penetrating")
Below in #40 Deliverance is the trigram for moving water (called “The Abysmal”)
After reading the commentaries in the Wilhelm/Baynes translation of the I Ching and several other sources I have come to trust, I go into meditation on the images and words to come up with a reading:
#32 Duration (Constancy)
Vigorous movement without
Gentle movement within
Wind and thunder long endure
Together in union
Things long endure
Duration is not standstill
Standstill is regression
Duration means “long-lasting”
Here there is constancy
The seasons follow their fixed course
The planets follow their fixed orbit
Within and without they endure
By moving within their limits
Thunder rolls; wind blows
The superior person is not rigid
Their character is not frozen in time
They bend and flow
While persevering in their course
While keeping to an inner directive
The union of the masculine and the feminine
Is the Tao of the Yang and the Yin
These two attributes complete the world
And from them all things spring forth
Duration brings firmness of character
Duration brings unity of character
Duration brings success. No blame
When one is sincere
When one perseveres
When one has somewhere to go
Long enduring success is assured
Wind carries the thunder farther
Then it can go alone
Thunder strengthens the wind
The feminine and masculine together
In harmony endure forever
Line 3 Moving
When one does not give
Duration to their character
They meet with disgrace
And persistent humiliation
When blown about by whims and moods
When one allows themselves to be shifted
By hopes or fears; easily swayed
By the outer world’s influence
One does not have a character that endures
This is not because of external forces
But the logical consequence of
Ones own nature and behavior
Not lasting in your character
Brings misfortune; humiliation
This line brings warning! Look to develop
And sustain
Personal character; personal strength
Inner stability; constancy and duration
Standing firm
While thunder rolls and wind blows
Otherwise, there will be no rest
#40 Deliverance
Deliverance means release from tension
If there is nothing more to do here
Return brings good fortune
If one has somewhere to go
Hastening there brings good fortune
Return or move on
Movement is always the way out of danger
When tensions build
Thunderstorms bring relief
The atmospheric energy is discharged
Through vigorous movement
Thunder and rain
The image of Deliverance
Thus the superior person
Forgives mistakes and
Pardons misdeeds
Then the air is cleared
There is a new start
One is delivered from
Water washes everything clean
This reading speaks to me personally in a deep and insightful way. The idea of Duration tells me that developing firmness of character, while being soft and yielding, not stubborn or stiff, but supple and flexible, brings an ease of living that endures in all weather; in all situations, and with all manner of people and personalities.
If I can emulate the natural phenomenon, like the planets, the sun, the moon, the seasons, -- those things that hold to their true nature, I can stay safe, stay in my course, stay on my path (this is the same as in Buddhism, one’s dharma).
Duration is a state of being whose movement is not worn down or diverted by hinderances or obstacles. Developing this character takes time, and many mistakes along the way. But (as in all things in the I Ching) being sincere one will meet with success.
Line 3 is a cold slap, a big bucket of water in the face! This is unusual in the I Ching. This line unequivocally warns of severe consequences if one continues to avoid the development of a “firm and correct” character.
I know that I have struggled with deep, childhood issues that are vestiges of my earliest traumas. I know that I keep up the work, the effort to have these ways of thinking and behaving removed by the higher powers of the Universe.
Yet I am being told to redouble my efforts, to be aware of those times when the positive characteristics (that the “superior person” cultivates) wane and I allow weakness and impulse take over.
As one I Ching writer and podcaster puts it, Line 3 is saying, “This is not a way to live… There are plenty of lines [in the I Ching] that say ‘This is a bad idea…. This won’t end well… this is a stupid strategy…. You don’t know what you’re doing.’
But this one said I was morally wrong.”
Deliverance is the solution! The outcome is favorable (in any direction) if the warnings and directions from #32 are heeded. Another name for this hexagram is “Release!”
Like the buildup of tension in the atmosphere that is relieved when a violent thunderstorm passes through, the clear, clean, fresh air that follows is a metaphor for the deliverance from heavy anxiety and trouble caused by our lesser nature.
Once release has begun, it is up to us not to remain in the place of danger.
Danger produces movement.
Through movement, one escapes danger.
This is deliverance.
In Chinese, the meaning of Deliverance was to untie or loosen. It also infers the idea of interpreting or understanding, getting insight into a problem, and beginning to loosen the knot to find an answer.
With this hexagram, we are assured of relief and deliverance from difficulties, but only if we persevere in moving from this place where there is danger – or at least there is nothing more for us here – to… well to anywhere!
The hexagram is clear, in that it says, if the place where we have been hangin out has run its course -- it's energy is spent and dissipated, then return from whence you came.
Or -- If you have some new place to go, that will work too. Just don’t stay here, stagnant and at a standstill.
This could refer to a physical place (as it did to the ancient writers of the I Ching who needed to find allies to avert dangerous situations).
But for us it more likely refers to emotional, psychological, spiritual, and psychic “places” where we’ve been hanging out, up to no good, getting into trouble and being generally unproductive and less than our best selves.
Turn around or turn away from struggles and find allies to help.
Let go of old resentments. Forgive mistakes (unintentional misdeeds). Pardon crimes (intentional misdeeds). Yours and others.
And move on.
I hope you can find some wisdom, direction, and guidance for your life in this week’s I Ching reading. I would be happy to hear from you with questions or thoughts on the reading.
Happy Sunday, Happy Mother’s Day (in France today)
I am available to do Prosperity Now! individual or group sessions or general life-coaching, I Ching readings, dream interpretation or join us for our weekly Wednesday Course in Miracles group. Please contact me at prosperitynowlifeofdreams@yahoo.com or sign up on my website: http://www.johnafrederick.com